Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Woohoo! World VegFest 2010!

Hello Everybody!

Here's the first picture of the ACTUAL shirt I will be wearing for my training and the marathon (with all of your names added on the back of course)!  I wore it to the World VegFest in San Francisco this weekend.  I had a great time answering questions about The Vegan Firefighter and Farm Sanctuary (their logo is on the back)  :).
This is me with Robert Cheeke, he is the most well known VEGAN bodybuilder in the business, a SUPER nice guy and he also works for VEGA.  Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE VEGA.  It is an awesome vegan nutritional supplement.  They have protein powders, energy bars... anything you need to aide in training or to just supplement your day to day intake they have it.  Robert TOTALLY hooked me up with lots of VEGA goodies to keep me strong during my training and for my race.  If the idea of a vegan bodybuilder is intriguing you should check out his book Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness.

My wife and I also listened to a couple of great speakers at the VegFest and sampled some really great products and food.  We spent some time bumming around San Francisco, we stayed at a really great hotel (okay my brother's house...but it's a REALLY nice house).  We found an amazing sandwich shop, IKE'S, they have a list of a 100+ sandwiches for carnivores, herbivores and those pretentious damn vegans so everyone is happy!  We also took our youngest daughter Wynn for her very first ice cream at this fantastic little shop called Maggie Mudd that serves dairy free sundaes!

Okay enough about me and my weekend let me take a quick second to THANK THANK THANK all of you who have donated so far!  Our first week of collecting donations went well. If you haven't donated yet check out the sidebar for a link to donate using your credit card through GIVEFORWARD.  It's a great service that is helping us reach our goal of raising a $1000 for Farm Sanctuary.  You can also just mail me a check and don't forget to email me to let me know that you have donated so I can send you one of our SUPER COOL "I supported..." shirts.

Thank you again to all of our supporters, friends and followers!

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