Sunday, December 19, 2010

So I'm famous...

Here's a picture of 2 of my kids supporting me at mile 15 in Las Vegas.  It was great to see some familiar faces mid race!

Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm pretty much a celebrity now...  Okay maybe not, but I did have an interview with THE VEGAN POLICE.  The idea that someone is interested in my story is somewhat profound to me.  I am flattered to say the least!  So if you are interested...  is the link to the interview.
Also, I am in the planning stages of my next run and I will update everyone once I have found a race that will work with all the schedules in our house.  I initially had intended on running one marathon and checking it off of my "bucket list"... but it was such as awesome experience that I think I may be in the early stages of an addiction.
We are always collecting donations for Farm Sanctuary, even between races so if you would like to donate you can send a check directly to me:

Cory Kalanick
2697 Sun Dr
Hanford, CA

And once I get the next run set up we will open up the account for credit card donations again.

Thank you everyone for your ongoing support!
Speaking of support we ended up with $1040.00!  We received a check in the mail the day that we were preparing the donation for Farm Sanctuary.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Whew!  I made it!  I did it!  It was awesome!  It was fun!  It was a little bit painful... it was a little bit hard...  I'm still paying for it a little bit.
But, running for a purpose and running because people were counting on me got me through those last 3 miles.  It was pretty much smooth sailing the first 23 miles (did I just say 23 miles???!!!  That's a really long ways!) I experienced some pretty debilitating hamstring/calf/quad cramping and was concerned that with just 3 miles left to go my body may not allow me to continue but, I wasn't willing to give up.  I couldn't imagine having to let all of you know that I couldn't finish so I did some intermittent stretching and kept going.  As General Patton once said, "Never let the body tell the mind what to do."  It became an issue of mind over matter and it worked.  I crossed the finish line in 4 hours 6 minutes and 15 seconds.
I can't say it enough but, the support from all my friends, family and people I have never even met but cared enough to send in donations and words of encouragement made finishing possible.

Now for the big announcement of total funds raised!!!!.....


Oh, wait!  I just got word that we got a last minute VERY GENEROUS donation from my wife of $1.05!  WooHoo!


We did it!  We reached our goal of $1000.00!

Thank you all once again!  This would ABSOLUTELY not have been possible without all of you!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

26.2 or BUST!!!!!!

Here is a picture of my super cool MARATHON Shirt!
LAS VEGAS here we come!
I have my Newtons all packed up, my Garmin watch all charged, my Vega protein is ready to go and my Marathon shirt in my bag. I wanted to SHOUT out a HUGE THANK YOU to all of the amazing support we have received. It has all come down to this you guys have done your part now its my turn to do my part and show you how much your support has meant to me! It looks like we came in just over our goal of raising $1000 for Farm Sanctuary so THANK YOU!!!! Keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter for my times. I will have the Start and Finish time as well as updates throughout the marathon! I want to give a very special thanks to my wife KATE, she has done the hardest work of all!! I had the easy part running listening to music, she had to take care of two babies (under two) help the older kids with homework, cook dinner, put on "woody" Toy Story again get milk(soy of course) get a snack NO not that snack the other snack, you get the idea.  She sacrificed the most. She deserves all the credit for getting this fundraiser off the ground.